The primary objective of this response is to unleash the power of YPO Europe a strong network of business leaders, with a good code of conduct and experience in working and sharing together (in good and bad times) to ensure a coordinated response on the Covid-19 and other Outbreak challenges we may face.
Clean the Air Accelerator is part of the European Solidarity track of the Covid19 Leaders Response Initiative, and is formed to help European businesses take action for a #sustainable future and deliver on #sustainability. We believe in integrating business solutions (and revenue) with community stewardship. We believe in being prepared for new rules and regulations related to carbon and other emissions.
The JobCloud is a job matching platform where YPO companies and providers can post job openings to the service, the community and families. Jobs at every level, for any skill, virtual or in person, to help your companies find the right talent to move past the COVID crisis.
Our goal is to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the next 5 years!
Joins us and publish your vacancies here!
iXChange Program where YPO members offer a YNG internship in return for an internship for their own YNGer. Alternatively, YNGers who want to participate need to ensure that their member parent offers an internship opportunity in order for them to receive one.
By joining the iXchange Program, you will be helping to jumpstart a YNGers career and ultimately, shape their future.
It is the strength of the collective response and positive actions that come to life, that will decide on how Europe will get out of this crisis. That is why we have designed a European YPO action plan with 10 Baseline Tracks and need your help to identify champions, experts and advisors members for each.
Leaders Response
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